Supervised Learning
Instructor: Dr. Jianlin Cheng
Location:Lafferre Hall E3403, Time: MWF: 11 am - 11:50 am, Office Hours: by appointment, Semester: Fall 2019
Lecture Slides
Acknolwledgments: the slides are customized from the materials of CMU machine learning courses taught by Drs. Singh, Xing and Mitchell, MU machine learning courses taught by Cheng, Cheng's research, the text book, and Stanford machine learning courses.1. Introduction and Bayes optimal learning
2. Learning distribution, parametric learning, maximum likelihhod estimation (MLE) and maximum a posterior (MAP), Naive Bayes Classifier, and Generative Classifier (textbook Chapters 1,2)
3. Discriminative Classifier and Logistic Regression (textbook Chapter 4)
4. Linear and Non-Linear Regression
5. Non-Parametric Methods for Density Estimation, Classification and Regression
6. Model Selection (PDF) and [PPT version]
7. Boosting (PDF) and [PPT version]
8. Deep Learning Networks (PDF) and [PPT version]
9. Support Vector Machine I and [PPT version]
12. Bayesian Networks and Graphical Models
All the assignments should be submitted to
Presentation and Report
Each group / person has 10 minutes to present the selected project. The last several classes will be reserved for presentation. The final project report will be due on Dec. 8. A report should include a title, author names, an abstract, an introduction, method description, results, conclusion, and references if any.
Machine Learning Background
A Set of Statistical Machine Learning Tutorials (taught by Andrew Moore at CMU and Google).
Introduction to probability distribution (Chapter 2).
Machine Learning for Bioinformatics.
Optmization Methods for Machine Learning and Deep Learning.