NSF CAREER Project: Analysis, Construction and Visualization of 3D Genome Structures

[Research] [Education] [Outreach] [People]


Journal Publications

1. M. Zhu, X. Deng, T. Joshi, D. Xu, G. Stacey, J. Cheng. Reconstructing Differentially Co-expressed Gene Modules and Regulatory Networks of Soybean Cells. BMC Genomics, 13:434, 2012. [at BMC Genomics web site].

2. Z. Wang, R. Cao, K. Taylor, A. Briley, C. Caldwell, J. Cheng. The Properties of Genome Conformation and Spatial Gene Interaction and Regulation Networks of Normal and Malignant Human Cell Types. PLoS ONE. 8(3):e58793, 2013 [at PLoS ONE's web site].

3. M. Zhu, J. Dahmen, G. Stacey, J. Cheng. Predicting Gene Regulatory Networks of Soybean Nodulation from RNA-Seq Transcriptome Data. Submitted.

4. K.H. Taylor, A. Briley, Z. Wang, J. Cheng, H. Shi, C.W. Caldwell. Aberrant Epigenetic Gene Regulation in Lymphoid Malignancies. Seminars in Hematology. 50(1):38-47, 2013. [at Elsevier's web site].

Abstracts and Posters

1. Z. Wang, R. Cao, K. Taylor, A. Briley, C. Caldwell, J. Cheng. The Properties of Human Genome Conformation and Spatial Gene Interaction and Regulation Networks . Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing , Hawaii, 2013.

2. T. Trieu, J. Cheng. Consructing Three-Dimensional Structures of Human Chromosomes from Chromosmal Contact Data. Submitted.

3. S. Ahmed, J. Cheng. Iterative Reconstruction of Three-Dimensinal Structures of Human Genome from Chromosomal Contact Data. Submitted.

4. C. He, A.O. Wells, J. Cheng. GMol: A Tool for 3D Genome Structure Visualization. Submitted.


1. J. Cheng. Computational Construction, Analysis and Application of Biological Networks. Wayne State University, Nov., 2012.

Theses & Dissertations

1. Zheng Wang. Revealing the Conformation and Properties of Human Genome, Protein Molecules, and Protein Domain Co-Occurrence Network. PhD Dissertation. University of Missouri, Columbia, 2012.

Bioinformatics Software and Data



  • Computational Modeling of Molecular Structures (Spring, 2013)
  • Videos and Gallery

  • The video of modeling a 3D human chromosome structure using a contact-driven gradient descent method. (Publically demonstrated first on March 14 to K1-12 students during the 2013 College of Enginering E-Week). The video was composed by Trieu Tuan, a PhD student in the Computer Science Department.
  • Outreach

    1. The E-Week Lab Exhibit for Columbia K1-12 Students, Computational Modeling of Genome Strucutres, College of Engineering, University of Missouri, Columbia, March, 2013.
    2. Training a high school student intern (Charles Shang) in the summer, 2012. His work in our group won semi-finalist in 2012 Siemens Science Talent Search and 2013 Intel Science Talent Search.
    3. The video recording the first part of the genome project presentation given to K1-12 students on March 14 during the College of Engineering E-Week Exhibit. The speaker is Avery Wells, an undergraduate student in the Computer Science Department at the University of Missouri.


  • The research was featured in the Mizzou Alumni Magazine, 2013.
  • Cheng takes aim at genetic mysteries
  • Cheng receives NSF CAREER Award
  • Charles Shang Won Semi-Finalist of 2012 Simmens Science Talent Search
  • Charles Shang Won Semi-Finalist of 2013 Intel Science Talent Search
  • People

    Principle Investigator

    Dr. Jianlin Cheng

    PhD Students

    Sharif Ahmed, Renzhi Cao, Chenfeng He, Tuan Anh Trieu, Dr. Zheng Wang (graduated in 2012)

    Undergraduate Students

    Avery Owen Wells

    High School Students

    Charles Shang, Angela Zhang


    Prof. Jianlin Jack Cheng

    Director of Bioinformatics, Data Mining and Machine Learning Laboratory

    Associate Professor
    Department of Computer Science
    Informatics Institute
    C. Bond Life Science Center
    College of Engineering
    University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211-2060

    Primary Office: EBW 109
    Secondary Office: LSC 271B
    Lab: EBN 304, 305, 307
    Phone: 573-882-7306
    Fax: 573-882-8318
    Email: chengji@missouri.edu