#include int glob; /* glob is accessible from any source file that is part of the program. */ static int loc; /* loc, being declared static, is only accessible from this source file. */ void globfunc(void); /* globfunc is external, as the word 'static' is not given in the declaration. As globfunc will be defined in lst18-2.c, it is also correct to write this declaration as: extern void globfunc(void); */ static void locfunc(void); /* locfunc MUST be declared later in THIS file, as 'static' makes locfunc specific to this file. */ main() { printf("Calling locfunc from main in lst18-1.c...\n"); locfunc(); printf("Calling globfunc from main...\n"); globfunc(); printf("Back in main; loc = %d, glob = %d\n", loc, glob); return 0; } static void locfunc(void) { printf(" Inside locfunc in lst18-1.c\n storing 88 in loc\n"); loc = 88; }