Location: EBW 240

Time: Wed & Fri, 11:00 - 12:15, fall semester, 2014

Instructors: Prof. Jianlin Cheng

Office hours: Wed and Fri 4 - 5, EBW 109

Acknowledgement: The course development is supported by an National Science Foundation CAREER award. Some images and figures used in the lectures are provided by images.google.com and other sources.



1. Introduction

2. Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods

Reading assignment 1: read the first 22 pages of Introduction to MCMC methods for machine learning, write a half-page summary, submit it to mumachinelearning@gmail.com. Due on Sept. 5.

3. Iterative Improvement Algorithms (Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, and Genetic Algorithm)

4. Dynamic Programming

5. Linear and Integer Programming

6. Quadratic Programming with Application to Kernel Methods

Reading assignment 2: read the first 13 pages of Introduction to Kernel methods, write a half-page summary, submit it to mumachinelearning@gmail.com. Due on 14.

7. Contrastive Divergence Optimization with Applications in Deep Learning Networks

Reading assignment 3: read the paper "G.E. Hinton, S. Osindero, Y. Teh. (2006). A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets. Neural Computation 18(7):1527-1554." , write a half page summary, and submit it to mumachinelearning@gmail.com (due on Dec. 12).


1. Search DNA sequence motif using MCMC

(Discussion of Plan (Sept. 10, Wed), Presentation of Plan (Sept. 12, Fri), and report on 9/19 (Friday)); Motif data set (Reference: Brown et al., MEME-LaB: motif analysis in clusters. Bioinformatics, 2013). One sample file (You can test your program on a few sequence files to search motifs with different lengths (6 - 15 nucleotides)).

2. Solve Travel Sales Person Problem by Hill Climbing and Simulated Annealing

(Discussion Sept. 26, Presentation of Plan Oct. 1, Presentation of Results on Oct. 8). 15 City-City distance data, 57 city-city distance data

3. Develop a dyanmic programming method to align two protein sequences

4. Develop linear / integer programming methods to solve network flow and min cut problems

5. Implement quadratic programming optimization for a SVM learning problem

(Discussion Nov. 21, Presentation of Plan Dec. 3, Presentation of Results Nov. 10)

Movies and Galleries

Video demo: Solving the Travel Sales Person problem (shortest tour around all the cities) with simulated annealing and hill climbing. (Made by Giang Bui, Brett Koonce, Sean Lander, Truc Le, Zhaolong Zhong).
Video demo: Solving the travel sales person problem of 57 cities with simulated annealing(Made by Meng Zhang, Jie Hou, Minguang Song, Tuan Trieu)
Video demo of protein sequence alignment via dyanmic programming (Made by Matt England, Mike Phinney, Abhishek Shah, Fang Chao).


Deep learning resource
Deep learning in image recognition
Deep learning research groups


LIPS linear programming tool
Deep learning software
Deep learning in GPU clound

Related Courses taught by Prof. Jianlin Cheng

  • Supervised Machine Learning
  • Computational Modeling of Molecular Structures
  • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
  • Machine Learning for Bioinformatics
  • Problem Solving in Bioinformatics
  • Computational Optimization Mehtods